
UK Everest Charity Challenge

Chelston Direct are proud to be a main sponsor of the UK Everest Charity Challenge starting in mid August 2009. Bryn and Darren are aiming to ascend beyond the height of Everest by ascending the UK's highest peaks.

UKEC founder Darren Edwards states "I think I've been an incredibly selfish individual all of my life thus far, and now I think it's time to give something back! It sounds so exceptionally cliché, but I do think Karma goes around and comes around [maybe I've watched too many My Name is Earl episodes?]. We lead our lives at almost break neck speed, deep in daily grind we rarely stop to see the pain of others, unless of course it happens to us first. A child with cancer, a person in pain and soldier crippled. It means so very little to us, apart from a fleeting emotion, it's just the news after all".

Team member Bryn Posey's reasons for signing up are quite clear "I lost my father to leukaemia back in 1999 and for many years didn't dwell on it and pushed it to the back of my mind, locking it away. In 2006 I realised I had spent a lot of time focusing on my life and on my personal achievements. I was not really sure where or what I was doing with my life.

On new years eve 2007 I made a resolution to do something for someone else, that in no way benefited myself (directly). Since then I have run the London Marathon for Children with Leukaemia [dressed I might add as Mr. Tickle!]. At the end of that race I was so elated and realised I had made a difference; yet I realised I could do so much more, this is my motivation".

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