
Teen’s Hiking Death Latest in a Long Line at Yosemite

A 17-year-old boy, Kao Kue, was last week rushed to hospital with severe head injuries after taking a plunge in his walking boots at Yosemite National Park – the world famous nature reserve in California, USA.

He was out hiking last Saturday when he lost his footing on the steep, rocky Mist Trail, which is renowned for its difficult terrain, despite its popularity amongst visitors.

After four days of fighting for life, the young man passed away at Doctor’s Medical Center in Modesto, Central California the following Wednesday.

Before Kao, 14 outdoors enthusiasts have died this year alone at Yosemite National Park. There have been six drownings, two falls resulting in death, a car accident that led to a death, and five deaths of natural causes, according to a park ranger.

Controversially, Yosemite will not be including the teenager’s death in its annual statistics for Yosemite fatalities as, although the accident took place within the park, the death itself occurred in hospital and not inside park boundaries, so the official total for 2011 still stands at 14 so far. The official total of deaths within Yosemite park boundaries in 2010 was 15.

Perhaps even more controversially, when interviewed, park officials say they do not feel it is necessary to install more warning signs and/or protective measures to safeguard their visitors.
"We are adamant about educating all of Yosemite's visitors about potential dangers, as well as ensuring that it remains a wild place," said the park ranger.

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