
New Nova Scotia Ski Helmet Law set to be World’s Toughest

From next winter, visitors to Nova Scotia’s slopes will be met with stringent new laws regarding the use of safety helmets, said to be the world’s strictest. Skiers and snowboarders not wearing the correct safety equipment would be hit with a $250 fine from officers enforcing the new law. The law is in response to the statistic that 11 people have experienced traumatic brain injuries since the year 2000 that were related to skiing or snowboarding without using a ski helmet.

Activities that “Should be enjoyed safely”

Maureen MacDonald, the Minister of Health and Wellness is a staunch supporter of the new law, stating, “Many Nova Scotians enjoy activities like skiing and snowboarding, but these are activities that should be enjoyed safely.” MacDonald went on to assert that the use of correct safety equipment could “greatly reduce the risk of suffering a traumatic injury and could be the one thing on the hill that saves a life.”

Not Just Whilst Skiing

The use of helmets in Nova Scotia is not just helping those who prefer to strap on a set of ski boots. The Canadian province boasts the highest proportion of cyclists using helmets, and in turn has the lowest rate of injuries related to cycling. The law for those on the slopes is intended to reduce the risk for winter sports enthusiasts, whilst not impinging too much on their enjoyment of the pastime.

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