
Lost Hiker “Didn’t Think he’d Survive”

82-year-old Bruce Charity did not expect to be out for too long when he set off for one of his regular strolls last Monday afternoon. After his walk took a disastrous turn, and he ended up lying down to sleep in a soaking jacket, Charity did not expect to wake up the following morning. At one stage, he remembers looking at his watch, seeing that the time was 10 p.m. and thinking “what the heck? I’m 82 years old; I’ve got to go sonetime.”

A Near Fatal Wrong Turn

Charity’s problems began when he got a bit lost in the woods close to his home, taking a trail “that really wasn’t a trail.” Hoping to find another trail, Charity kept going, but instead got hopelessly lost, and darkness, along with the temperature was falling. In attempting to seek help from a fellow walker with a torch, Charity made what could have been a grave mistake, in misjudging the depth of a stream. He initially believed it to be around a foot deep, but quickly found he was mistaken as he became submerged. Thankfully a police helicopter found him after his wife raised the alarm when Charity did not return home.

Do not Make the Same Mistakes

Going for a lone winter hike can be fantastic, but can be fraught with dangers. Ensure that you have sufficient outdoor clothing for the cold weather, and make sure you have notified somebody of your intended route, and expected time of return. A good torch can also help you to be found if you get lost.

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