
Swindon’s Hikers get Surfing to Find New Routes

A brand new website detailing some of the best routes for hikers around Swindon has been launched. The Get Walking in Swindon site is aimed at all those who want to get (or indeed remain) healthy, as it promotes the aims of leading a healthy lifestyle. The site is the result of a partnership between Swindon Council’s leisure services department and the local Ramblers, with some funding coming from an NHS funded project, Walk Swindon. Containing routes and information about walking groups, the site is designed to inspire people to pull on their outdoor clothing and get active.

Encouragement to Enjoy Walking

At the heart of the project is the idea that people should find walking enjoyable, and if they do, they are more likely to continue. The site follows similar projects that have proved popular in Durham, Manchester and Sheffield, and contains routes that have been created by a group of local volunteers. Whilst the first routes have been posted, more are expected in the New Year.

A “Wonderful Project”

The bulk of the routes are short, between one and three miles, but others go up to the five-mile mark. Routes that are accessible to wheelchair users are flagged up on the site, allowing all to get involved and get active. Pat Crabb of the local Ramblers group called the site a “wonderful project. We’ve really enjoyed working with the council to encourage people to get to their feet and experience the benefits of walking.”

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